Sunday 3 February 2013 excited...

I have been busy creating my soup, oh I can't wait to find out who my partner will be for the 7th Bead Soup Blog Party. I have also been busy with the projects for Beading Babes, and loving them all so far. I have finished several projects but  can't post just yet. I have also received several more diachroic glass focals and can't wait to use them....oh so much I want to do and so little time.

I have also signed up for a photography class and I am really looking forward to starting....Oh I do love a challenge.  I work at a University and the campus buildings provide so many photo opportunities. Country drives also provide wonderful photo ops...I don't know there is something about old buildings that makes them so photo worthy. I have included a some photos I have recently taken  So much fun to see the outcome of these photos are using Photoshop. Happy beading and happy snapping!!!

Founders Hall

Dentistry Pharmacy Building

Country Farm Buildings

Sacred Heart First Nations Church

Red Truck


  1. What fun pictures! I am also excited for the BSBP!!!

  2. Those old buildings, along with that serene-looking snow are certainly awesome photo opportunities! I especially love the Sacred Heart Church. Have a great time in your photography class! I did not sign up for the BSBP this time - could not fit it in my schedule this year - but I will you have a grand time with your soup - both received and gifted!
